e-Coaching & Mentoring Workshops

Please scroll down the page, to find out more ...

Welcome to the 'Motivational Monday'  (and more)
Coaching Membership Group

Meditation is a method of Relaxation & Calmness’
(and Mindfulness’) which, when connected to,
with ‘intention’, could help you to find a renewed ‘link of calmness’ in the ‘here and now’. 

'After lunch - I went for a walk, to help 'clear my mind'. There was a gentle breeze and the sun was shining 'high up: in the sky'. I could hear the leaves 'rustle', gently up above me and so I stood tall and reached up high to 'take-a-photo' of an amazing 'colour' of 'nature'. These are the leaves of an 'Oak' tree - and, there are different varieties of 'Oak' throughout the UK.  In 'Our: Dreams' the 'Oak' tree is often said to 'symbolize: a representation of both inner and outer strength' - as, the 'Oak' tree offers a visual 'solid'
link of the 'mind and body: Sweet Dreams' ... '

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'.

Ready for: 'Motivational Monday'?

 Why not 'click on' and interact through 'chat'!

Links-of-support' are offered for the purpose of 'self-led' information gathering and or further research - and, are not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner, or medical worker, in any way.

The acceptance of 'affiliate commissions' and or 'external payments' serves to promote the provision of 'affordable: Coaching Resources' and or 'external: links-of-support'.

Suggestion 30

Online English Class: 
'Pasta & Sauce' ...

... 'Speak' about 'everyday' things - like,
'preparing a meal'!

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 29 

Keep Fit

So, now that you are used to 'Teaching Online': with the 'freedom' of more 'flexible' work as either an 'Online English Teacher' ('Instructor', 'remote worker'or 'retiree') - What now?

Have you ever thought about what you could do, to help maintain your own 'fitness level'

Workshop Resources 
1)  Chair 

2)  Resistance Band

Yoga Bands (also known as:  'resistance bands'):  can be used to help strengthen 'muscle-tone' and increase levels of 'mobility', even when  exercising in a 'sitting' position! 

Remember: regular links of exercise, could help with the achievement of 'Better Sleep', too.

If you're able to build in a longer 30-minute workout, then: this could be the workout for you!

... and: if you you'd like to follow a series of exercise programmes - then: why not gain some further 'inspiration' with ... 

This week's link offers: 'insight' (shared for educational purposes, by: 'The Coaching Practice.app') that serves to
help demonstrate the levels of 'relaxation and calmness', that can be found, when relaxing with links of 'exercise'.

This workshop picture:  highlight's just one example of 'resistance band'  - and,  this link  has now been updated  with  in-stock products.

If you do not already have a 'resistance band', you can purchase a 'resistance band' using the link provided.

You can often find 'resistence bands' based on different strengths ('light', 'medium' and 'heavy') - and, each band is made of one continuous piece.

Links-of-support' are offered for the purpose of 'self-led' information gathering and or further research - and, are not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner, or medical worker, in any way.

The acceptance of 'affiliate commissions' and or 'external payments' serves to promote the provision of 'affordable: Coaching Resources' and or 'external: links-of-support'.

Suggestion 28

‘Motivational Monday’ Workshop: ‘Calming Colours

This week's Workshop: considers 'the benefits of colouring'. 

If you've been able to complete: 'The 28-Day Gratitude Challenge' - then, 'congratulations' on your 'success'!

We might often hear about the 'benefits of colouring', particularly when attending (or, even 'listening' to 'Coaching Workshops') and upon 'reflection', 'colouring' might even invoke fond 'memories' of a time when there was certainly 'less stress', and more time, to 'ponder' and consider different aspects of 'daily-life'.

In fact: links of general 'feedback' seem to suggest that: 'colouring' offers a really great way to 'occupy the minds of children and or the older generation, alike' - and, in some instances, 'colouring' might also be referred to as a link of 'Occupational Therapy' in its' use to help support the 'building of hand-eye-coordination and motor-skills', based on the
'strengthening of hands' whilst also 'developing dexterity'.

So, what are 'the benefits of colouring'?

Colouring: offers a different type of 'meditative state' - as, it can actually help to 'calm the mind' whilst also helping
to induce the physical feelings of 'relaxation'.

Colouring: can also help support the development of 'hand-eye-coordination' whilst 'assisting mobility'.

Colouring: allows you to become more 'mindful' as you 'Colour-IN' and focus on the present. 

Colouring: is both a 'creative' and 'repetitive' activity  …

Colouring:  ... where you can begin to 'colour your woes away' ...

Colouring:  ... often helps with, 'lifting-the-spirits'!

Colouring:  ... where everyone can become 'an artist'.

Colouring:  ... where good 'music' and 'colouring pens' help to 'make a difference' in this world ...

Welcome to ...

The Coaching Practice: 

The Coaching Practice.Club: 'We believe that by taking the time to both give and also accept links of ‘gratitude’, we are able to develop a ‘better outlook: on life’ - and that this, alongside other links of ‘welcomed experiences’, could also help to provide stronger links of ‘optimism’; too.'

After all: we all help to create our own futures.

Scroll down the page: for this month's updates ...

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 27

‘Sleep Matters’: Workshop.

‘Motivational Monday’ Workshop: ‘Sleep Matters’

It’s often said that if you’re able to ‘dream’ then you’re also able to manage the next day with more ‘clarity’ - and perhaps achieve an even ‘better mood’!

Also: life often seems so much better, after a ‘good night’s sleep’ - and, with the challenges of living a ‘modern’ life, we probably need all of the help we can get …

So - What can you do to help make this happen?

Well, following on from our earlier workshop, where we began to consider: 

‘the ‘basic foods’ that are often said can help with ‘sleep’ and provide even ‘better nutrition’, within an overall ‘healthier eating’ plan.’

We might now also consider how the implementation of some gentle ‘exercise’ can also offer a ‘link-of-support’, towards better sleep’.

Regular viewers may have also seen many of the ‘photos’ and creative ‘images’ posted over the years - especially, when I’m able to find my own links of ‘relaxation & calmness’ through ‘walking’, ‘writing’ and or taking an ‘al fresco lunch’ …

In fact: I often find that all three of these ‘activities’ really do help support my own links of better sleep’.  - and when I want to ‘vary or increase my exercise routine’, I have found both ‘yoga’ and ‘dance’  to be very ‘uplifting’, too.

If you’ve been able to order your own copy of one of my workbooks, you will see that each workbook offers an ‘independent workshop’ that will, in some way, ‘compliment’ another one of my ‘workshops’ or ‘workbooks’, or both - and, when connected to ‘The Coaching Practice’ app, then it’s hoped that a more rounded viewpoint will serve to offer you a more interesting approach towards your own considerations of ‘connecting’ to new ‘ideas’, (through ‘self-led’ support) too.

So what do I mean by a new approach when ‘connecting’ to new ‘ideas’?

Click on and find out more …

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!



The Coaching Practice.Club: continues to support the idea, and general promotion, of
'Better Sleep' - especially, when achieved through 'healthier eating', 'relaxation & calmness' and 'regular-gentle-exercise' , too.

Suggestion 26

‘Healthier Eating’: Workshop.

‘Motivational Monday’ Workshop: ‘ Healthier Eating: techniques’

This week: (Lent) I intend to maintain my usual ‘abstinence’ from ‘chocolate, biscuits, cakes and sweets’ and although, I don’t really ‘over-do’ on the ‘sweet stuff’, I still like to maintain the ‘tradition’ of ‘going without in order to maintain so much more …’.

However, I now find, with my approaching ‘pensionable years’ that I find it more difficult to ‘abstain: from the sweet stuff’. Those who tune in to my regular ‘reflective’ offers, will often see a new pictured ‘recipe’ or ‘bake’  - where, I also try out new ‘techniques’ in ‘ingredient swaps: for more healthful recipes’. 

Sometimes: ‘low-fat-pastry’, just doesn’t provide that feeling of real ‘comfort food’ - and, like so many others, I (too) will often reach for those ‘biscuits’ kept for ‘guests’ in the ‘biscuit tin’ stowed away for special occasions. Now, I make ‘full-fat: pastry’ and then allot myself a ‘smaller piece’, instead (for those who have dietry requirements to maintain, please follow the advice provided by your GP or health link).

So, what about those times (like ‘Lent’) when I want a little of the 

‘sweet stuff’, but want to maintain my ‘resilience’ …?

Today’s snack: is a warm ‘cup’ of delicious ‘hot chocolate’ (with a sprinkling of ‘hazlenut’ and ‘nutmeg’) made with a link of 'snack support' … enjoy!

This year: I ordered my ‘40-days’ of ‘snack support’, in advance. 

Now, I continue to practice my own overall ‘consideration of healthier eating’ (in fact, I pride myself on my ‘strategic plan’) - and, I still stand by my own Workshop mantra (within: ‘The Consideration of Healthier Eating’ plan [journal]), that:

‘If an individual (client) is able to take ownership of their own actions, welcome new understandings and embrace direct and or external links of support towards their individual goal-setting, then each link of ‘support mechanism’ will have some importance within the overall plan of success.’

So much so that I was able to recognise that the reason why I didn’t feel full, on some days, was merely because I hadn’t had enough time to either ‘prepare a snack to take on the go’ - or, to actually ‘go and get a snack’. This usually happens on a day when I’ve been able to begin with a ‘large breakfast’, have planned a light lunch - but missed out on a ‘snack’, before or after the evening meal.

I usually carry some fruit in my holdall - and, as I’m no longer carrying ‘biscuits, crisps or chocolate’ (for the next 40-days, at least) I decided to make use of an ‘alternative’, particularly as ‘fruit’ doesn’t tend to last too long in a crammed full ‘holdall’ in between a tablet and some books!

Regular readers of: ‘The Coaching Practice’ will have seen that I’ve been including the best of the ‘Weekly Workshops’ within the ‘app’ - as, it’s a really great way for those who haven’t ‘tuned-in’ for a while, to ‘read-up’ and perhaps gain some new ‘ideas’ …

… and: I’m also ‘revising’ a few of my ‘Coaching Workbooks’ so that they ‘read’ better, following some really great links of ‘feedback’.

This year: I ordered my ‘40-days’ of ‘snack support’, in advance (with a 2-3 day delivery, UK) - and, with this month’s ‘discount offers’, I made quite a large ‘saving’, too!

‘Healthier Eating’, isn’t just about ‘weight level’ (although, for many, this is often important). For me, it’s also about being able to make sure that I don’t go for hours and hours without a ‘snack’ (as this is when I might then want to make up for not having a ‘snack’ by ‘over-indulging’ quickly, instead of maintaining regular small meals, throughout the day and evening).

Today’s snack: is a warm ‘cup’ of delicious ‘hot chocolate’ (made with some cold water, topped-up with cooled hot water and a sprinkling of ‘hazlenut’ and ‘nutmeg’) … enjoy!

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!


Suggestion 25

‘Creativity’: Workshops.

‘Motivational Monday’ Workshop: ‘Eat and be Merry’

On Sunday at 10:30am I began to think about what to make for this evening’s dinner - and, like so many others: I have been seeking out ‘recipes’ with a ‘difference’, so as to help maintain our ‘wonder of food’.

Our culturally ‘enriched’ nation, presents us with a ‘wealth of tastes and textures’ - so much so, that our continued ‘sustenance’ blends both ‘herbs and spices’ into ‘cultural infusions’ bursting with ‘flavour’.

Last weekend: I made great use of all the leftover ‘fruit and vegetables’ - so, this weekend I began rotating the ‘tins of food’, in the cupboard and this provided me with the ‘idea’ of making a ‘pie’ - as, there on the back shelf was all the ‘ingredients’ needed to make ‘pastry’.

Now making ‘pastry’ is a ‘skill’ that was often ‘learnt at school’, as well as in the home - and, it always seemed as though you were either ‘good’ at ‘making pastry’ or ‘could do better’ …

Looking back: my ‘mother’, like so many others, would often encourage me to ‘cook’ - and, as she was impressed with the ‘few’ meals I was able to bring home from ‘cookery class’, I received ‘year long encouragement’ to ‘bake’ and help prepare ‘meal ingredients’.

On Sunday’s: there was often a ‘cup of red wine’ (or ‘sherry’), placed strategically at the ‘edge of the counter top’ as it was good for ‘meat sauces’ and wasn’t too unpleasant to taste - and, as our own ‘culinary infusion’ of ‘caribbean spices’, ‘herbs’ and locally sourced ‘fruits’, ‘vegetables’ and ‘meats’ merged together, the food was good and the union of family was even better.

Over the years: I have perfected my ‘pastry skills’ and, I often return to the memory of my ‘mother’s’ own ‘baking skills’ - as It was often said, yet with no direct comparison, that ‘cakes’ were my achievement and that ‘pastry’ ('curry patties') was hers!

Without a doubt: our ‘mother’ was the best cook and I continue to strive for her level of ‘perfection’ - and: today, I made ‘perfect pastry’, with my ‘mother’s smile’ on my face.

… So, whatever you do (1 Corinthians 10:30-33 KJV):

‘Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God.’

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!



The Coaching Practice.Club: continues to support the idea, and general promotion, of
'Better Sleep' - especially, when achieved through 'healthier eating', 'relaxation & calmness' and 'regular-gentle-exercise' , too.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Meditation is often associated with, and or viewed within, a more ‘holistic view’: whereby the implementation of a more ‘nutritious diet’ and ‘calmer: outlook’, along with ‘regular exercise’; ‘better water in-take’ and ‘increased levels of self-care’ (which could include ‘vitamins & minerals’; more ‘fruits & vegetables’; ‘fish’ and or ‘lean-meats’; less sugar and or salt [when able] or even ‘better skin-care, etc’ - will often promote the display of ‘inner-happiness’ on the ‘outside: as well is within’).

Many of these ‘practices’ (and others [including: ‘yoga’]) can also help to ‘support: better sleep’ - especially, when
maintained regularly (daily).

Suggestion 24

‘Creativity’: Workshops.

‘Motivational Monday’ Workshop: ‘Capture the Moment’

Last week: I witnessed the most beautiful sky for 2024, so far. It was 7.42am - and (as I'd decided to wait for a moment) I was ready, to ‘capture’ this very view, within my immediate horizon. 

I really welcome the early morning sunrise, where the veil of night lifts, ready to welcome the new dawn - and: where the extended
‘wings of birds’ glide on the ‘air’, over-head.

I often begin each day with the ‘intention’ to become the very ‘best’ that I can be and to have the best ‘day’ yet - and: even though we cannot always command life’s events (particularly those beyond
‘our’ control), I can still believe in my own power of ‘self-development’ where I can continue to strive to be the ‘best’ that I can be, so that
I will be able to ‘share’, so much more.

This week's link of 'insight' (shared for
educational purposes, by: 'The Coaching Practice.app') helps to demonstrate the levels of 'calmness and relaxation' that can be found when connecting to Workshops based on 'creative colour'.

I am 'grateful' that I have been able to ‘capture the moment’ and share with you, my ‘best’ view yet …

Wishing you all, a wonderful week!


Suggestion 23

'The Coaching Practice has a new Workbook - as well as the Colour-IN Workshop based on:

'Relaxation' & 'Calmness' 

This month's 'insight' (shared for educational purposes, by: 'The Coaching Practice.Club') helps to demonstrate the levels of 'calmness and relaxation' that can be found when connecting to 'colour'.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 22

Join: The Coaching Practice.Club
Membership Group 

The Power of Gratitude: Week 4 (Discussion: 'Better Sleep') Workshop

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'.

Suggestion 21

Still trying to 'find calmness' and gain 'inner-peace'? Why not

'Create more room ambience'!

This month's 'insight' (shared for educational purposes, by: 'The Coaching Practice.app') helps to demonstrate the levels of 'calmness and relaxation' that can be found with 'scents'.


Why not book your next 

Coaching Workshop


Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 20

To read, or not to read, that is the question ...


Reading, before bed, is often said to 'improve brain power', as well as helping the 'mind' to 'wind-down' after a long and 'thoughtful' day. 

Sometimes: without enough sleep, it could often feel as though there is little reality - when, in fact:
'sleep deprivation' might well be the cause.

Suggestion: try 'reading for 15-minutes before bed'.


Why not join the 'Better Sleep' discussion in this week's 

'Motivational Monday' Workshop!

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 19

In today's workshop: 

we consider how 'gratitude' can be applied in everyday considerations. 

Week 2: focuses on personal 'goal-setting' - as well as, recognising links of individual success.

Suggestion 18

'Motivational Monday's' now also include weekly overviews of both new and existing 'Coaching Resources (based on a 'series' of Workbooks)' - where, you will be able to 'connect with another', 'ask questions'; 'email'; 'message'; 'call' and (if you wish) 'attend group meet-ups'
(UK subscribers).

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Interesting Facts: 2024 - The year of the
'Wood Dragon'


The Coaching Practice:

'We believe that as January is often looked on as a month of: 'New Beginnings' - where:
individuals might often 'aspire' to the new', February is looked on with 'love' and anticipation for
the year ahead ... 

Did You Know ...?

Following 'Childrens Mental Health Week' and 'National Apprenticeship Week',

this year, 'Lent' begins on Wednesday 14th February and completes on Thursday 28th March!

If you were able to listen to the 'sounds of music' on 'Radio Day', whilst making 'pancakes' for 'Shrove Tuesday' - then, you might also like the idea of 'making a difference' (on the 17th) through 'Random Acts of Kindness', too.

For those, who live in the Northern Hemisphere: the first day of March is also considered the
first day of spring!

2024: this year (in July and August), alongside 'Wimbledon'; 'The Regatta'; 'The British Grand Prix'; 'Jazz and Blues festivals'; and 'Mela' - there was also the: 'Air Show'; several 'Garden and Food Fesitvals'; 'Cowes' as well as the 'Olympics'.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 17

A 'healthier-eating: plan' could help to 'make-a-difference' - and, it's always important to ensure that you eat a varied diet [when able] that is complete with whole-foods, fruits and vegetables [and more].

A well 'rounded' diet, complete with the 'essential:
vitamins & minerals' the  body needs, helps to support our bodies to function.

In fact: if you are able to maintain a 'balanced diet' - then, your body probably gains enough of the essential 'vitamins & minerals' that it needs on a daily basis.

This week's link offers 'insight' (shared for educational purposes) that you might find useful - particularly if you are seeking ways to 'help balance out your weight' with a link of 'nutritional' support.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

‘The Month Journal’ (printed in full-colour): this 'full-size' Workbook has been created in
order to help implement the idea of ‘recognizing current processes’ whilst also building links of
goal-setting’ - so as to, begin ‘planning-with-structure’ within a more ‘flexible future work and or study plan’.

Suggestion 16

Why not - Order Your next 

Coaching Workshop Resource


How beneficial is a 'self-led' approach to 'Coaching'?

Self-led 'learning' encourages the use of 'personal direction' - as well as,  building skills in 'independent-thinking',
'ownership of actions' and even  the 'recognition: of ones own motivational-influences'.


'The Coaching Practice.Club' continues to promote that the use of workbooks, as a ‘self-led’ approach (with ‘feedback’ encouraged within ‘workshops’) - whilst also offering the ‘connectivity’ of ‘remote support’ (through ‘video calls’, ‘telephone’ and or ‘email’) - is often considered as important as, a ‘supportive whole plan', in itself.


NoteBooks/Journals offer a really great way to clarify 'thoughts and ideas' - especially as: when these 'ideas' are written down, they then often become merged with processes based on 'action-planning', 'setting-goals' and even 'evaluation'.


Similar to aspects of 'critical-thinking', the use of 'soft-skills' can often help to encourage the 'personal-development of the self' - so, when someone appears to be just 'doodling', 'writing random thoughts and ideas' or even just making 'plans for the week ahead' in their 'NoteBook/Journal' - they, are often making excellent use of their 'transferable-know-how' based on their own 'interpersonal and communication skills'.

Jacqueline Melbourne-Milner


Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Interesting Fact:

'Motivational Monday's'.  

In 2018, 'The 28-Day Gratitude Challenge' [a 'motivational' resource, since 2016] which then became

the 'Initial Assessment' (part [1]) of the 'Coaching Practice Plan of Support', was converted to a free

'downloadable' pdf resource which was then included within a series of 'auto-responders' and ongoing

'marketing campaigns' - and, from here, became the ongoing focus of a weekly workshop 

[and, accompanying 'e-group'], known as 'Motivational Monday's'. ...

Since 2022, 'Motivational Monday's' now also includes weekly overviews of both new and existing 'Coaching Resources (based on a 'series' of Workbooks)' - where, you will be able to 'connect with others', 'ask questions'; 'email'; 'message'; 'call' and (if you wish) 'attend group meet-ups'
(UK subscribers).

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'.

Book a pre-exam: 'ESL: Speaking & Listening' coaching support class ... 

Suggestion 15

Why not book your next 

Coaching Workshop


Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 14

Did you know ...? 

Watching movies (movie night: on the 'television' [or, 'telly']) with a range of emotions: could help soften levels of 'anxiety' and even help to decrease 'stress'... !


This week's link offers: 'insight' (shared for educational purposes, by: 'The Coaching Practice.Club') that serves to
help demonstrate the levels of 'relaxation and calmness', that can be found, when relaxing with a 'movie'.

Suggestion 13

Or, you could listen to some 'music' , read a 'good book' - or even 'study' ...

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'


Meditation is also often associated with and or viewed within a more ‘holistic view’: whereby the implementation of a more ‘nutritious diet’ and ‘calmer: outlook’, along with ‘regular exercise’; ‘better water in-take’ and ‘increased levels of self-care’ (which could include ‘vitamins & minerals’; more ‘fruits & vegetables’; ‘fish’ and or ‘lean-meats’; less sugar and or salt [when able] or even ‘better skin-care, etc’ - will often promote the display of ‘inner-happiness’ on the ‘outside: as well is within’).

Many of these ‘practices’ (and others [including: ‘yoga’]) can also help to ‘support: better sleep’ - especially, when
maintained regularly (daily).

* REMEMBER - please do not listen to 'calming sounds', when 'driving or operating machinery' - this workshop is based on 'promoting: relaxation & calmness' towards 'Better Sleep' …*

Sleep Matters [for Online English Teachers; Instructors; Retirees and Remote Workers, too] ...

The Coaching Practice.Club: continues to support the idea, and general promotion, of
'Better Sleep' - especially, when achieved through 'healthier eating', 'relaxation & calmness' and 'regular-gentle-exercise' , too.

Wellbeing at Home or at Work -  is often based, generally, on: 

1) Connectivity - connecting with others.

2) Activity -  through links of daily movement and exercise.

3) Awareness - recognising the need to eat well, hydrate and take regular rest-breaks.

4) Developing the self - through personal development, learning new skills and or study.

5) Giving - sharing skills and knowledge, or offering help, when able.

Remember: it is always advised that you also ask the advice of your own GP, or health worker, when accessing a new link of exercise, diet, nutrition or complimentary support.

'Links-of-referral', and or educational 'updates', have been included for general knowledge-sharing.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

The acceptance of 'affiliate commissions' and or 'external payments' serves to promote the provision of 'affordable:
Coaching Resources' and or 'external: links-of-support'.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 11

Trying to find a new hobby - why not: 

'Knit, sew or even bake the hours away'... with new levels of
'calmness and dexterity'!

This month's 'insight' (shared for educational purposes, by: 'The Coaching Practice') helps to demonstrate the levels of 'calmness and dexterity' that can be found within portable 'Arts & Crafts' skills.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 10

Lunch on the go ...

Self-care’: can often include a better in-take of ‘vitamins & minerals’; more 'whole-foods' ('fruits & vegetables’;
‘fish’ and or lean-meats’); 'less-processed-sugar'
and or salt [when able] or even ‘better skin-care.

'The Coaching Practice.Club' recognises that the modern workplace (or study hall) might not maintain a self-serve kitchen, with a microwave that is able to support
staff (or students) to prepare fresh meals on the go - and, that not everyone wants a 'protein-shake' ([often a tasty alternative to 'fast-food'] or microwave
meal) for their lunch-time snack!

Solution: Soup, salads and or a sandwich!

Suggestion: make home-made soups and sandwiches the evening before, allow them to cool and then keep them in the fridge. Flasks and lunch-boxes: to the ready ...

This week's link offers:
'insight' (shared for educational purposes) that you might find useful - particularly if you are seeking a way to include:
'lunch-on-the-go ...'.

Remember:  - 'links-of-support' are offered for the purpose of 'self-led' information gathering and or further research - and, are not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner , or medical worker, in any way.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 9

'Soak it up'... with
'epsom salts'!

'Better Sleep': 1 to 2 scoops of epsom salts, when placed in warm/tepid bath water, could help support the feelings of 'Relaxation & Calmness'. 

*Epsom salts (for bathing): use weekly
or, 2 to 3 times a week.

It is always recommended that you seek the advice of your GP/Practice Nurse and or medical link if you are ever in any doubt about your health. 

*Do not use on broken-skin.

Request an online
Brochure link, via email, for more details:


This week's link offers:
'insight' (shared for educational purposes) that you might find useful - particularly if you are seeking a way to gain some 'Relaxation & Calmness'.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 8

Breakfast on the go ... it's
the most important meal of the day!

When you sleep-through the night (or day), your body makes good use of its 'nutrients' within - and, then begins to 'replenish' itself with its first meal of the day (or night).

 Why is 'breakfast' so important?

It's important because 'breakfast' helps to 're-start' the body, after its 'fast' - which is similar to when you fill the car with fuel, so that you are able to keep running smoothly.

There are several studies which savour the idea of eating a more 'healthful breakfast' (to help maintain the body's blood 'sugars', 'pressure' and 'cholesterol' levels).

Remember: it's often recognised that at least
'x3-balanced-meals' and
'1 - 3' snacks each day
(as well as a good level water in-take [if and when able]) will be beneficial for many.

Request an online
Brochure link, via email, for more details:


This week's link offers:
'insight' (shared for educational purposes) that you might find useful - particularly if you are seeking a way to include 'breakfast-on-the-go ...'.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Self-Care: Skin-Care

Summer 2023: We are currently experiencing some really amazing weather, here in the UK - where:
the sun is out, shining high and 'not a cloud in sight'.

Suggestion 7

... it's warm outside!

(Did you know ...?  It can often help, if able, to sip water regularly - as well as, eating some fruit and [if able] nut snacks).

With amazing weather: it's really easy to forget the importance of 'sun-care' - especially on 'sunny-days', like this!

1) If able, try to drink plenty of fluids - and, remember: it's probably a good idea to drink 'less alcohol', too.

2) Drink water!

3) 'Some like it Hot': although, in weather like this, a long cool 'iced-coffee' (preferably 'de-caff') - or, 'herbal tea' left to cool (with a few 'herbs & spices and some ice') will often make really 'refreshing drinks'.

4) When outside, try to sit in the shade - your skin will thank you for it, later.

5) During the day, try to keep windows and curtains closed - as, this can help to keep your
room/home 'cooler': then, open your windows in the evening, when it becomes cooler outside.

6) 'Healthier Eating' makes even more sense, on warm days like this - particularly as, meals based on 'salads and fruits' are often cooler than preparing oven cooked meals. *Take a look at this month's 'feature', based on :  'spring dinners'.*

7) Some links of public transport offer 'air-conditioning' - and, if you  need to travel by car - well,  it's also important to help make sure that 'it won't over-heat', when you travel, too ...

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 6

*What's for dinner?

Cooking a nutritious meal, can be very 'relaxing' ...

This month's 'insight' (shared for educational purposes) demonstrates 'meal-planning', on a 'budget' using 'everyday ingredients' often found within your own 'pantry' ['larder']

Lifelong-learning ...

Lifelong-learning isn't just about discovering 'new skills' for the 'workplace': it can also be about
'finding your own passion for life' - and, with so many more indivduals working remotely the ability to study
with more flexibility (and affordability) is certainly something to celebrate, surely!

In support of 'Learning at Work Week', and beyond: 'The Coaching Practice' is able to offer the following
discount code (valid within the 'Centre of Excellence' website's sales checkout page).

*NB: new students may find an even lower price/discount for their 1st online course purchase.*


Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

What’s in a Dream?

Suggestion 5

When you dream of winning money …

Dreaming of a financial win: often depicts the idea of ‘links of success’, within life in general - rather than actually ‘winning the lottery’.

… and: if you’ve ever woken up, from a ‘winning’ dream, feeling ‘elated’ - then, you might also recognise the follow-on feeling of becoming more ‘despondent’ as the realisation of ‘reality’ begins.

Dreaming of a financial win: can also induce general feelings of becoming more ‘hopeful’ in the near and even distant future, too - particularly, when ‘Dreaming of Gold’ - coins, which might often signify ‘wealth of character’ [of the ‘spiritual’ self] rather than immediate ‘wealth in finance’ [‘abundance’].

Dream Journal:

A ‘Dream Journal’ can be used to write down ‘dreams’, ‘thoughts’ and even ‘ideas’ that may 

surface upon waking up.

The Month Journal:

It’s often said that it can take up to 12-weeks to either un-learn and or implement a ‘new skill’. 

‘The Month Journal’: has been created in order to help implement the idea of ‘recognizing current processes’ whilst also building links of ‘goal-setting’ - so as to, begin ‘planning-with-structure’ within a more ‘flexible future work and or study plan’.

The ‘journal’ is based on a 28-Day process, which can then be ‘repeated’ - and, as it can often take up to 12-weeks (months 1 to 3) to implement a ‘new skill’, it is anticipated that by month 4, you will find that the process of ‘planning ahead for the next month’, will take only 15-minutes each day.

15-minutes of ‘Self-care’: Journaling also offers a way to help build in a ‘link-of-support’ based on
‘decreasing-personal-stress’ - as you consider and even ‘reflect’ upon your day, whilst also ‘planning for the month ahead’.

The Coaching Practice

Are you ready to begin?

e-Coaching and Mentoring support: works in 3-ways:

 1)     WORKBOOK: complete the exercises in the WORKBOOK (based on daily, weekly and monthly goals).

​2)       e-GROUP: join the weekly e-GROUP (or Workshop).

3)     COACHING CALL: book your individual COACHING CALL and or take part in email coaching.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 4

A 'healthier-eating: plan' could help to 'make-a-difference' - and, it's always important to ensure that you eat a varied diet [when able] that is complete with whole-foods, fruits and vegetables [and more].

A well 'rounded' diet, complete with the 'essential: vitamins & minerals' the
body needs, helps to support our bodies to function.

In fact: if you are able to maintain a 'balanced diet' - then, your body probably gains enough of the essential 'vitamins & minerals' that it needs on a daily basis.

This week's link offers 'insight' (shared for educational purposes) that you might find useful - particularly if you are seeking ways to 'help balance out your hormones'.

Suggestion 3

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 2

Sleep Matters [for Online English Teachers; Instructors; Retirees and Remote Workers, too] ...

The Coaching Practice.Club: continues to support the idea, and general promotion, of
'Better Sleep' - especially, when achieved through 'healthier eating', 'relaxation & calmness' and 'regular-gentle-exercise' , too.

Wellbeing at Home or at Work -  is often based, generally, on: 

1) Connectivity - connecting with others.

2) Activity -  through links of daily movement and exercise.

3) Awareness - recognising the need to eat well, hydrate and take regular rest-breaks.

4) Developing the self - through personal development, learning new skills and or study.

5) Giving - sharing skills and knowledge, or offering help, when able.

Remember: it is always advised that you also ask the advice of your own GP, or health worker, when accessing a new link of exercise, diet, nutrition or complimentary support.

'Links-of-referral', and or educational 'updates', have been included for general knowledge-sharing.

Ways to gain: 'Relaxation & Calmness'

Suggestion 1: Try to find a hobby - it could help
to provide an outlet, for your own links of 'creativity' ...

'Dreams IN Colour'

The Coaching Practice.Club: has published a new Colouring Workbook.

You can order the pages as a Pdf download, here:

 'Colour IN' Workbook : DREAMS IN Colour

or a paperback copy.

Order your Workbook, with cover, here

Suggestion:  using a paintbrush, apply a thin coating of PVA craft glue - and, then leave the image, on a flat surface, to dry.

This will help to protect your completed artwork.

Colour IN: Art Box - the basics ...

The 'Better Sleep' Workshop: 

Dreaming is often only available within the realm of Deep-Sleep - and, when within the realm of Deep-Sleep, the sub-conscious mind is then able to explore the many facets of continual thoughts and or IDEAS.

Can't sleep?

The Coaching Practice: offers connectivity through 'e-mail coaching' - and, depending upon the numbers of 'coachees' online, we can usually reply within a couple of hours ...

Download and print out this 'sleep tracker'.

 Write down your 'sleep patterns' for 1-month.


The Coaching Practice.Club: continues to support the idea, and general promotion, of
'Better Sleep' - especially, when achieved through 'healthier eating', 'relaxation & calmness' and 'regular-gentle-exercise' , too.

The 'Better Sleep' Workshop: 

Please click on the music video and 'listen' ... 

whilst you 'click on' the 'Workshop: Better Sleep' link and 'scroll - through' the workshop.

The 'Better Sleep' Workshop: October

The Coaching Practice.Club:'We believe that by taking the time to both give and also accept links of ‘gratitude’, we are able to develop a ‘better outlook: on life’ - and that this, alongside other links of ‘welcomed experiences’, could also help to provide stronger links of ‘optimism’; too.'

It's a well known fact: that by 'reducing sugar' [when able] and 'drinking-less-caffeine', in the evening, can often help to support 

'Better Sleep', too - but, did you know that there are several different types of 'herbal tea' which could also support links
to 'Better Sleep', too ...?

spray a little   scented 'mist', in and around your room, about 10-minutes
before your 'sleep routine'.

Self-care’: can often include a better in-take of ‘vitamins & minerals’; more ‘fruits & vegetables’;
‘fish’ and or lean-meats’; 'less-processed-sugar'
and or salt [when able] or even ‘better skin-care,

When you click on and watch the video:

You will be able to find out a little more about some of the 'basic everyday foods' which could offer a little more insight towards gaining links of: 'Better Sleep'. 

 ‘Better Sleep’ - Workshop: The foods we eat …

In this ‘coaching: series’ you will continue to ‘recognise’ the ‘benefits’ of ‘setting-goals’ - and, in this ‘Workshop’: you are also asked to consider the overall ‘benefits’ of a ‘healthier eating plan’. 

It is anticipated that, with new links of ‘understanding’, you will also begin to now ‘recognise’ the importance of ‘healthier eating’ - and, that by considering different ‘foods’, based on their ‘nutritional value’,  you may also find ways that could allow you to achieve more links of ‘Better Sleep’.

1) Goals - What do you want to achieve?

2) If it’s to lose weight - then, when by?

3) If it’s to ‘consider: healthier eating’ then - this is something to

aim for, within the remit of ‘life-long: learning’.

The idea of the ‘healthier eating plan’:  is to begin to ‘recognise’ how you use ‘food’ within your life. For instance:

4) Is ‘food’ your ‘fuel’ or your ‘comforter’?

5) Which 'foods' help towards 'Better Sleep'?

When you clicked on and watched the video:

Were you will be able to 'recognise' some of the 'basic everyday foods' which you could include within your own 'meal planning' so as to begin to work towards gaining links of: 'Better Sleep'?

We all need ‘food’ to ‘sustain: us’ - and, as we are all individuals, then it makes sense to also consider that as ‘not all foods are the same’ we could ‘adapt’ our ‘palette-of-taste’ to be as ‘nutritious’ as possible. 

The very fact that ‘food’ can also help to support our ‘inner-and-outer: bodies’, too - as well as, helping to ‘balance our body & mind’, should encourage our eagerness to ‘use the best fuel to help the overall performance of our internal systems’.

There is a saying, known as: ‘everything in moderation’ - meaning that whichever ‘foods’ you choose for your ‘meal planning’: try to ‘not over-do anything’ whilst still encouraging a ‘colourful-food-palette’.

Essentially: ‘good foods’ and ‘regular exercise’ help our bodies to both ‘develop’ and ‘maintain’ - and, when you ‘reflect’ and ‘compare’ on the foods that you eat now, compared to that of your ‘childhood’, you might also remember, fantastic ‘sayings’ like:

6) ‘You'd better eat your greens …!’

7) ‘Carrots will help you to see in the dark!’

8) ‘You need to have at least one spoon of cod liver oil, each day.’

9)  ‘You need to eat [and drink], you need the energy …’

It's always important to ensure that you eat a varied diet [when able] that is complete with whole foods, fruits and vegetables
[and more].

A well 'rounded' diet, complete with the 'essential: vitamins & minerals'

the body needs, often helps to support our bodies to function.

In fact: if you are able to maintain a 'balanced diet' - then, your

body probably gains enough of the essential

'vitamins & minerals' that it needs on a daily basis.

You can also find out more about 'vitamins & minerals', here: on the NHS website.

... and: you can click on here, for more ideas on meal planning - when, 'considering: healthier eating' ...

Here's this week's video resource.

Click on the Workshop: Better Sleep - link and scroll down

The Consideration of: Healthier Eating’ - Plan

Everyday ‘Wellness’: in the New Year!

Useful links to help you save both time and hopefully a little more money …

Over the past couple of years, you may have developed a whole set of new skills in ‘online shopping’ - where you’ve learned to ‘navigate the shopping cart’ and even pay with a ‘virtual wallet’!

Now, can you imagine what it would also be like to be able to complete the whole of your ‘weekly shop’,
online: from one ‘supermarket’ store and in one purchase … ?

Groceries online

[click on the link ]!

 You can also purchase the whole Workbook plan, for: 'Better Sleep' - with FREE p&p (UK)

[click on the link ]!

*The Dream Therapy Analysis: and other Workbooks.

*When you have completed all 7 questions [that you will find in the Workbook], please email your answers through to:


You will receive your written response [including a written link which will be unique to you], with 72-84 hours [if not sooner].


Remember: 'links-of-support' are offered for the purpose of 'self-led' information gathering and or further research -
and, are not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner , or medical worker, in any way.

The acceptance of 'affiliate commissions' and or 'external payments' serves to promote the provision 'affordable:
Coaching Resources' and or 'external: links-of-support'.


Can Vitamins & Minerals really help: with 'restful sleep'?

It's always important to ensure that you eat a varied diet [when able] that is complete with whole foods, fruits and vegetables [and more].

A well 'rounded' diet, complete with the 'essential: vitamins & minerals' the body needs, often helps to support our bodies to function.

In fact: if you are able to maintain a 'balanced diet' - then, your body probably gains enough of the essential
'vitamins & minerals' that it needs on a daily basis.

You can also find out more about 'vitamins & minerals', here:  NHS website.

Sleep can also be used to 'help support the
regeneration and even the balance of better skin, too ...' CLICK on HERE

Why not click on and connect with others, who are still
'wide-awake', too!

Remember: 'links-of-support' are offered for the purpose of 'self-led' information gathering and or further research -
and, are not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner , or medical worker, in any way.

The acceptance of 'affiliate commissions' and or 'external payments' serves to promote the provision of 'affordable:
Coaching Resources' and or 'external: links-of-support'.

Thank you.